How to apply

We know you’re a person, not a number

That’s why our unique admissions process goes beyond a single score. We are more interested in the person behind the result. We consider not only your academic record but your personal qualities, your gifts and talents, your motivation to study, and your contribution to community life.

If you have any questions, book a guided application session with a Prospective Students Advisor (See Contact us).

How to apply to Notre Dame

Step-by-step guide on how to apply to The University of Notre Dame Australia.

Notre Dame student in Sydney campus library

Video transcript

  • How to apply – undergraduate or Tertiary Pathway Program

    For Undergraduate degrees, Tertiary Pathway Program and the Young Achievers Early Offer Program – Sydney and Fremantle Campus, you can apply direct to Notre Dame. Apply Now

    Alternatively, for Undergraduate degrees, you can apply as follows:

    • UAC for Undergraduate Coursework study - Sydney Campus
    • TISC for Undergraduate Coursework study - Fremantle Campus

    Schools Recommendation Scheme
    If you are applying through UAC, you are encouraged to consider the Schools Recommendation Scheme (SRS). The SRS enables universities to make early offers of undergraduate admission, which allows you to secure a place at Notre Dame.

    Adjustment Factors
    Adjustment factors are additional points which are added to your ATAR to create your Selection Rank. At Notre Dame, our adjustment factors seek to address adversity faced by students. They also consider your personal background, recognise performance in certain subjects, and more.
    Find out more about Notre Dame's adjustment factors.

    What we need to consider your application
    This is what we need to consider your application:

    • Academic transcripts – one of the following:
      • If applying prior to receiving Year 12 results: Final Year 11 and available Year 12 reports;
      • If already completed Year 12: your WACE (WA) or HSC (NSW) Record of Achievement or equivalent; OR
      • Information regarding post-secondary study (including university, TAFE/RTO transcripts or STAT results (STAT results include written English and multiple choice sections)
    • Any other supporting documentation you would like us to consider (this may include certificates, awards or references that demonstrate your achievements)

    Please note, you can submit an application and later provide your reports once they become available.

    In your online application, you will have the opportunity to tell us about yourself and why you are applying to us. We are interested in what is motivating you study the degree you have chosen, and about your interests and achievements. See our tips below!

    Tell us about yourself (Individual Factors)
    We know you're more than your ATAR, that's why we ask you to tell us about yourself. It's a key part of our unique admissions process, which goes beyond a single score.

    Our applicants are asked three questions:

    1.Why are you applying to study at Notre Dame?
    2.Why have you chosen to study this degree?
    3.Tell us how you contribute, and how frequently, to community life?

    You can prepare your answers in advance if you like and have it ready for when you wish to apply.

    If applying directly through Notre Dame, you can either respond to the Individual Factors questions within your application, or complete the Individual Factors Form and email it to:

    If applying through UAC or TISC, you will be required to complete our Individual Factors Form and upload it with your application.

    For further details, refer to Individual Factors.

  • How to apply – Young Achievers Early Offer Program

    You can submit your Early Offer program application via our online application portal.

    The University of Notre Dame Australia also participates in the Early Offer Schemes through UAC and TISC. You are also encouraged to apply for Notre Dame degrees via these pathways.

    For more information about applying and accepting an Early Offer, please refer to our How to apply - Early Offer Program page.

  • How to apply – UniPath (with video instructions)

    For our UniPath Program, you can apply direct to Notre Dame. Apply Now

    You will need to complete the following to apply:

    1. Complete a Guardian Consent form (tip: if you have this prepared beforehand, you can upload it when submitting your online application, otherwise please email it to us at:
    2. Provide a copy of your most recent school report (tip: you can upload this when submitting your online application, or else email it to us at:
    3. Now that you have all the required documents, click Apply Now and complete your application. Upload your documents with your application.

    Applying for UniPath Program

    Step-by-step guide on how to apply to our UniPath Program.

    Notre Dame student in Sydney campus library

    Video transcript

  • How to apply – postgraduate coursework

    Apply direct – submit application form.

    Alternatively, for Postgraduate Coursework study (Sydney Campus only), you can apply through UAC.

    This is what we need to consider your application:

    • Academic transcripts
    • Any other supporting documentation you would like us to consider

    Note: Particular degrees may also require a resume and / or evidence of professional registration

  • How to apply – postgraduate research

    Applying for a postgraduate research program? Click here to apply: How to Apply - Graduate research.

  • How to apply – VET Programs

    Applying for a VET program on our Broome Campus? Click here to apply: How to Apply - VET.

  • How to apply – international students

    Are you an international student who requires a visa to study in Australia? Click here to apply: How to Apply - International students.

    (You can find more information in our International Student Guide.)

  • What happens next?

    An outcome notification will be sent via email.

    If successful, this will consist of an offer letter with details on your next steps.

    If you misplace your offer letter please contact the Admissions team on (domestic students) or (international students) to have it reissued.

    For further details, please refer to our Getting Started page.

Application Timelines

Early Offer Program
Opens 1 May 2024.
Find out more

Undergraduate Programs
There are two main recruitment rounds at Notre Dame, usually between May to July (Semester 2 Mid-Year intake) and November to March (Semester 1 Main-Round intake). Notre Dame utilises Tertiary Admission Centres (TACs) for recruitment rounds, including UACTISC and GEMSAS/VTAC (for Doctor of Medicine only).

The only exception is the Mid-Year in WA, where all applications are direct to the University. Please note TACs advise dates annually, so check their websites for details.

Postgraduate Programs
Open year-round.