Financial hardship support
The Student Hardship Assistance Fund provides one-off, short-term relief to students who have been impacted by an unforeseen hardship. Grants of between $250-$1000 are available to eligible students who need emergency assistance while continuing their studies at The University of Notre Dame Australia. The hardship experienced could include personal difficulties, local emergencies, and/or wider spread community hardships.
Am I eligible?
To be eligible to apply for assistance through the Student Hardship Assistance Fund, you must:
- Currently, be enrolled at the University with a load of 0.5 or higher, and continue your studies past the census date;
- Be enrolled to study in the following semester, unless currently enrolled in a VET certificate, the Tertiary Pathway Program, or be in your final semester of study, in which case the applicant will be eligible only until the final week of the semester; and
- Have experienced an unforeseen hardship that has resulted in financial difficulty.
I am studying Medicine. Am I eligible?
Students studying the Doctor of Medicine (Fremantle and Sydney) are asked to please apply for financial support through the Medicine Student Hardship Fund.
For more information, please contact:
Susie Stewart (Fremantle Campus):
Dr David Harding (Darlinghurst Campus):
How do I apply?
To apply for emergency assistance from the Student Hardship Assistance Fund, simply complete the form below. Please read the full Conditions of the Fund prior to completing the form.
You are also welcome to submit any additional supporting documents you would like to be considered in the assessment of your application.
Students will be advised on the outcome of their application within five working days.
Apply for Hardship Assistance Conditions of the Fund
Purpose of program
The purpose of the Program is to provide one-off, short-term, and minor monetary relief to students who have been impacted by a hardship, and who require such emergency assistance to continue their studies at The University of Notre Dame Australia (‘University’).
Eligibility requirements
Be either enrolled in an undergraduate or postgraduate (including HDR) degree, VET award, or the Tertiary Pathway Program at the University; and
Be currently enrolled either on a full-time study load, or on a part-time study load of 0.5 or higher; and
Continue their studies past the census date;
Be enrolled to study in the following Semester, unless be currently enrolled in a VET certificate or the Tertiary Pathway Program or in the final semester of their current program, in which case the applicant will be eligible only until the final week of semester; and
Demonstrate that they have directly suffered a financial impact resulting from an unforeseen hardship that has resulted in difficulty such that emergency assistance is required; and
Have not previously received any emergency assistance under this Program within the calendar year.
Medicine student eligibility requirements
Students studying the Doctor of Medicine (Fremantle and Sydney) are asked to please apply for financial support through the Medicine Student Hardship Fund.
For more information and a link to the application form, please contact:
Susie Stewart (Fremantle Campus):
Carmel Mezrani (Darlinghurst Campus): -
Criteria for determining emergency assistance
In awarding any emergency assistance, the delegated Financial Assistance Assessor will rely on evidence of hardship and/or disadvantage to assess eligibility for the Program and the amount of assistance provided.
Please note that approval of eligibility does not guarantee that assistance will be granted as it is dependent on the availability of funds
Process for seeking emergency assistance
A student wishing to access emergency assistance under the Program should complete the application form found on the University’s website. The application will be assessed by the Financial Assistance Assessor. Applicants are encouraged to access other University support services and discuss any impacts on their studies with their School.
Method of providing emergency assistance
A one-off grant of emergency assistance from the Fund may be made in a number of ways, depending on the type of hardship being faced.
The maximum amount of financial assistance shall not exceed $1,000 (unless special consideration is granted by the Pro Vice-Chancellor, Student Experience due to extreme circumstances).
Grants may be either in the form of monetary assistance, or alternatively, they may be provided as in-kind assistance (for example, by way of a pre-paid card). If assistance is to be provided by way of a monetary payment, it will be paid directly to the student as determined by the Financial Assistance Assessor.
Depending on the student’s situation, payments may be made in one lump sum, or in smaller amounts over a period of time.
Students will be introduced to other appropriate support services at the University.
Term of the hardship assistance fund
The fund will expire upon notification by the University.
What will I receive if my application is granted?
If you are deemed eligible to receive one-off emergency assistance through the Student Hardship Assistance Fund, you will be granted between $250-$1000 to be paid in either a lump sum or in instalments.
Depending on your situation, grants may be either in the form of monetary assistance or as in-kind assistance (for example, a pre-paid card). If assistance is to be provided by way of a monetary payment, it will be paid directly to the student as determined by the Director of Student Life & Wellbeing.
What’s next?
For further information or queries regarding the Student Hardship Assistance Fund, please contact
The University provides a range of free support services for students which can support you during challenging times, view the services we have available via the button below.
Are you seeking financial support relating to your practicum placement? Please visit our Scholarships Finder and consider applying for the Practicum Support Scheme Grant.
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