
Notre Dame networks

Wi-Fi is available on the Broome, Broadway, Darlinghurst and Fremantle campuses. You must have an active staff or student account to access the wireless network. Access to our wireless network is granted under the same policies as accessing the wired network.

The University of Notre Dame Australia uses an encrypted wireless network to protect all information passing through the wireless network.

It is accessible to both staff and students and available on all campuses. Users can connect their devices to this network using their university credentials.

This network is only accessible on university-owned devices, including laptops and tablets. Students and staff are unable to connect to this network on personal devices.

Eduroam networks

Eduroam allows staff and students from member universities to access our wireless network. Notre Dame staff and students can access the teaching and learning spaces (e.g. libraries and Wi-Fi) at other Universities using this network. Access is available to users over 18 years of age.

The University of Notre Dame Australia adheres to the eduroam national policy.

  • Connect your device to Eduroam

    Notre Dame Staff and Students

    1. Locate the eduroam wireless network at the university you are visiting
    2. Log in using your UNDA email address and password

    Visiting Staff / Students

    1. Locate the eduroam wireless network. For Notre Dame, the network name is eduroam.
    2. Log in using your institution's email address and password.

Contact us


1800 878 903
8am – 5pm AWST


1800 878 903
8am – 5pm AEST


1800 878 903
8am – 4:30pm AWST
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