Advanced Standing - Uncredentialed Experience
Students are advised to submit an Advanced standing application on acceptance of your program and/or before the 2nd teaching week of your program. It is also recommended that students seek advice from their School to avoid a second application and the $125 fee.
In assessing Advanced Standing applications the School will take into account, currency; equivalency; relevancy; standard attained (uncredentialed experience); completion and total credit points of advanced standing requested. View the Procedure: Credit.
Please note: Where Advanced Standing is approved, the Course and/or Uncredentialled Experience cannot be used for credit in further applications for Advanced Standing.
The following documents MUST be attached to your application:
- Full detailed descriptions of previously obtained competencies and/or experience; and
- A signed letter from the place where the Uncredentialed Experience took place, on company letterhead and signed by the
appropriate authority from that organisation; and - A current Curriculum Vitae outlining the relevant learning and the skills that were gained from the Uncredentialed Experience
referenced in the letter; and - In the case where any of the above evidence of prior learning is in a language other than English:
- All such evidence of prior learning must be provided in the original language and in English.
- Translations of the evidence of prior learning commissioned in Australia must be by a NAATI (National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters) accredited translator.
- All evidence of prior learning translated overseas must be by a translator recognised by that country’s accrediting body.
- Receipt of the administration fee of $125 if this is not your first Advanced Standing application. Payable here.