Advanced Standing - Uncredentialed Experience

Students are advised to submit an Advanced standing application on acceptance of your program and/or before the 2nd teaching week of your program. It is also recommended that students seek advice from their School to avoid a second application and the $125 fee.

In assessing Advanced Standing applications the School will take into account, currency; equivalency; relevancy; standard attained (uncredentialed experience); completion and total credit points of advanced standing requested. View the Procedure: Credit.

Please note: Where Advanced Standing is approved, the Course and/or Uncredentialled Experience cannot be used for credit in further applications for Advanced Standing.

The following documents MUST be attached to your application:

  • Full detailed descriptions of previously obtained competencies and/or experience; and
  • A signed letter from the place where the Uncredentialed Experience took place, on company letterhead and signed by the
    appropriate authority from that organisation; and
  • A current Curriculum Vitae outlining the relevant learning and the skills that were gained from the Uncredentialed Experience
    referenced in the letter; and
  • In the case where any of the above evidence of prior learning is in a language other than English:
    1. All such evidence of prior learning must be provided in the original language and in English.
    2. Translations of the evidence of prior learning commissioned in Australia must be by a NAATI (National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters) accredited translator.
    3. All evidence of prior learning translated overseas must be by a translator recognised by that country’s accrediting body.
  • Receipt of the administration fee of $125 if this is not your first Advanced Standing application. Payable here.

Student details
Campus *
- Find your Program Code and Name
Are you on a Student visa? *
Details of Uncredentialed Experience
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Supporting documentation and declarations
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Upload a max of 8 files (max 60MB total). Supported file types for upload .docx, .pdf, .jpeg.
Application type
Declaration *


If you experience any problems or have any questions regarding this form, please contact Student Administration:

Ph: (08) 9433 0781

Ph: (02) 8204 4418

The information provided in this form will only be used for the administrative or educational purposes of the University, or in accordance with your specific consent. The University will not disclose your personal information to a third party unless required to or permitted by law or where you have consented to the disclosure. Information relating to how the University collects, uses or discloses your personal information and how you may complain about the University’s handling of your personal information is contained in the University’s Privacy Policy.
You have a right to access your personal information that the University holds about you and to seek its correction. If you wish to access your personal information or inquire about the handling of your personal information, please contact Student Administration at