Alumni volunteering

When you share your time and expertise, you enrich the lives of everyone at the University – and the experience gives you so much back.

There are many ways you can volunteer, from organising a class reunion, sharing your story and talents at alumni events, mentoring a student or becoming an alumni leader in your region or country.

Current opportunities

  • Survey Participation: Mentoring experiences of Early Career Teachers in Western Australia

    Alumni of the School of Education are invited to take part in a survey to support the PhD research of Nancy Bonfiglio, whose study on Mentoring Experiences of Early Career Teachers requires feedback from alumni currently teaching as ECTs. Nancy is conducting the study as part of her Doctor of Philosophy research at The University of Notre Dame Australia, Fremantle.

    Mentoring has a significant influence on professional and skills development, yet relatively little is known about ECT’s mentoring experiences in Western Australia. Sharing your experiences will help inform important strategies to assist future ECTs and those who support them. Your participation is greatly valued.

    Do you qualify as an ECT to take part? The anonymous questionnaire takes 10-15 minutes to complete with the option of also participating in a separate interview should you wish to volunteer. Full details on the research and survey can be downloaded here.

    The online survey can be completed here.

    Any questions relating to the research should be directed to or Professor Caroline Mansfield


  • Nursing and Midwifery Alumni Mentoring - Expressions of Interest

    Following the CPD Webinars for Early Career Mentors the School of Nursing and Midwifery and Notre Dame Nursing Society are taking expressions of interest from alumni who are interested in joining the Mentoring Program for 2021.

    A great mentor listens, reflects and challenges their mentee as they draw on their experiences working in the industry. You may only be a recent graduate but have a wealth of knowledge at your fingertips, or you may be established in your career and be looking to give back to your community and industry.

    Nurses and Midwifes are all encouraged to register for these webinar opportunities ahead of applying for the mentorship program, launching 2021.

    Does this sound like an opportunity for you? Email us at to be kept informed of the 2021 program launch.


  • Volunteers Needed for Disability Employment Research Project

    Alumni volunteers are needed to support the research of Veronica Nelson, whose project 'University graduates with disability and participation in employment: an exploratory study', aims to better understand the experiences of university graduates with disabilities in employment.

    Are you a graduate with a disability, medical or mental health condition? Would you be interested in sharing your experiences of seeking employment to support this research?

    The study aims to identify potential barriers and explore positive experiences that result in employment engagement. Results from the project will help formulate policy recommendations to reduce or remove any obstacles, as well as improve involvement in job-seeking for those living with a disability.

    To participate in this project you must have graduated from the University of Notre Dame since 2009 and have a disability, long term medical condition or mental health condition. This may include neuro-diverse conditions such as Autism Spectrum Disorders(ASD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Dyslexia.

    You must also be willing to participate in a short interview, between 45 and 90 minutes, to share your experiences around participation in employment.

    Interest alumni should read the Participant Information Sheet and download a Consent Form to express your interest in the opportunity.

    Expressions of interest, along with any questions, should be directed to Veronica Nelson at


  • Seeking Masters of Counselling Alumni

    Alumni volunteers are needed to support the research of Tom Fletcher, whose project 'An exploration of the effects of practicing counselling or psychotherapy on the personal life of novice therapists: A qualitative study', aims to explore the lives of novice therapists who are in the early phase of their professional development.

    Are you an alumnus who has completed a Masters of Counselling within the last three years, or do you know a peer or colleague who has? Would you be interested in sharing your personal experiences to support this study?

    Any questions relating to the research should be directed to Tom Fletcher at


  • Online counselling and the counsellor/client relationship: a qualitative study

    Are you an Australian Counsellor, Psychotherapist or Psychologist with current membership of PACFA, ACA or APS? Do you have 250 hours or 3 years of supervised clinical experience? Did you have to change your counselling appointments from face-to-face counselling to online counselling due to COVID-19?

    Alumni volunteers are needed to support the research of Lucy Macarthur-Onslow, who is undertaking a research project entitled 'An investigation of the effect of online counselling during COVID-19 on the counsellor/client relationship: a qualitative study'.

    If you are interested in sharing your personal experiences to support this study please contact Lucy Macarthur-Onslow on
