A five-star study experience is our top priority at Notre Dame.

The Student Hub project will see St Teresa’s Library, Bateman Courtyard, the Student Life and Scholarships offices, Craven Law Library and adjacent teaching buildings transformed into a modern, vibrant and interconnected new student precinct.

It will be a place where you can connect and enjoy being part of a vibrant, respectful and caring academic community.

Take a virtual tour of the new look of St Teresa's Library.

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Refurbishment of St Teresa’s Library

into a world-class new learning and study environment with seminar rooms, silent and collaborative study spaces.

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A New Teaching and Learning Facility

featuring a contemporary Craven Law Centre, moot court facility, three new teaching rooms and a dedicated 24/7 study space for graduate research students.

A secure 24-hour study hall

with swipe card access directly opposite Prindiville Hall.

A dedicated student helpdesk

where you’ll be able to find support or get your study questions answered.

More ways to collaborate and connect

with new audio visual equipment, charging stations and monitors to connect your personal devices.

Project stages and timeline


October 2024

Craven Law Centre, new teaching rooms and moot court facility


Completion February 2025

St Teresa’s Library, ND7, and Bateman Courtyard refurbishment

Important information for our students

While carrying out these works, we’ve taken great care to ensure minimal disruption.

Additional study spaces will be provided, with ample seating and power points to meet student needs in Drill Hall (ND25), Prindiville Hall (ND3), and the ground floor of the Vice Chancellery building (ND1).

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The core library collection and library help desk will be temporarily relocated to the Galvin Library in the School of Medicine building on Henry Street (ND 35).

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Indigenous Engagement and Success team is relocating to the ground floor of ND43 (next door to the School of Nursing).

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Student Services Helpdesk and temporary Study Centre can also be found in the Drill Hall.