Policies, Procedures and Guidelines
Admissions and credit
Policy: Admission and Credit
Procedure: Admission
Procedure: Credit
Guideline: Bonded Medical Places (BMP) Scheme Programme Conditions
Guideline: Facilitated Interview Pathway - Postgraduate (Grad. Dip. of Health & Medical Sciences)
Guideline: Medicine Commonwealth Supported Place Allocation
Examinations and Results
Policy: Examinations (under review)
Procedure: Board of Examiners (under review)
Policy: University Awards (Student)
Guideline: Board of Examiners – Letters of Commendation (under review)
Guidelines: Recognition of Student Contributions on Academic Transcripts
Guideline: Supplementary, Deferred and Irregularly Scheduled Exams (under review)
Fees and Refunds
Procedure: Refunds for International Students
Procedure: VET Fees, Charges and Refunds
Procedure: Termination of Enrolment for Non-Payment
International Students
Policy: International Students
Policy: Outbound Study Abroad Exchange Program (under review)
Procedure: International Student Transfer (Change of Education Provider)
Learning and Teaching
Policy: Students with a Disability (under review)
Guideline: Use of Text Matching Applications
Procedure: Assessment in Higher Education Coursework, ELICOS and Enabling Courses (under review)
Policy: Assessment in Higher Education Coursework, ELICOS and Enabling Courses (under review)
Guideline: Good Practice in Assessment (under review)
Policy: Vice-Chancellor’s Awards - Promoting Excellence in Learning and Teaching (PELT)
Procedure: Vice-Chancellor’s Awards - Promoting Excellence in Learning and Teaching (PELT)
Procedure: Academic Integrity
Policy: Academic Integrity
Programs and Courses
Guideline: Course Quotas (under review)
Procedure: Qualification Equivalence Assessment
Procedure: Program and Course Quality
Procedure: Program and Course Life Cycle
Procedure: Program and Course Information
Procedure: Program and Course Design
Procedure: Program and Course Delivery and Management
Procedure: Academic Progress
Policy: Programs and Courses
Template: Peer Review Template - Course Outline
Template: Peer Review Template - Examination
Template: Peer Review Template - External Referencing of Standards
Template: Peer Review Template - LMS Course Site
Template: Peer Review Template - Teaching
Research and research training
Code of Conduct: Research
Procedure: Managing and Investigating Breaches of the Code of Conduct: Research
Policy: Ethics Approval for Research Involving Human Participants
Procedure: Applying for Ethics Approval (Low Risk Review)
Procedure: Applying for Ethics Approval (Full Ethical Review)
Procedure: Applying for Ethics Approval (Cross-Institutional Approval)
Procedure: Applying for Ethics Approval (Course Clearance)
Guideline: Participant Information Sheet and Consent Form for Research Involving Human Participants
Policy: Intellectual Property
Procedure: Nomination of Thesis Examiners for a Higher Degree by Research
Policy: Research Data Management
Procedure: Research Data Management
Procedure: Research Funding Scheme
Policy: Research Funding Scheme
Policy: Research Funding and Agreements
Policy: Higher Degree by Research Supervision
Procedure: Higher Degree by Research Supervision
Guideline: Presentation and Submission of Research Theses
Guideline: Support for HDR Students
Guideline: Definition of 'Research Active'
Guideline: Authorship, Peer Review and Dissemination
Procedure: Conditions for Award of Research Training Program (RTP) Scholarships
Procedure: Higher Degree by Research Candidature
Guideline: Confirmation of Candidature for a Higher Degree by Research
Policy: International Fee Remission Research Scholarships
Policy: Research Training Program (RTP) Scholarships
Policy: Student Scholarships
Procedure: Student Scholarships
Student Administration
Policy: Retroactive Withdrawal (Also known as Re-Crediting and Remission)
Policy: Student Appeals
Procedure: Intervention Stategy
Student Conduct and Responsibilities
Code of Conduct: Students
Procedure: Special Consideration
Student Services and Administration
Guideline: Use of supplementary logos
Student Support Services
Policy: (VET) Credit
Procedure: (VET) Credit
Policy: VET Assessment
Procedure: VET Assessment
Procedure: Course Approval, Amendment, Review and Discontinuance
Procedure: Student Progress
Procedure: VET Attendance
Procedure: VET Marketing and Advertising
Procedure: VET Student Appeals
Procedure: International Education Agents
Guideline: Research Institutes and Centres
Guideline: Good Practice Principles for Effective Committee Meetings (under review)
Policy: Protecting Academic Freedom and Freedom of Speech
Policy: Compliance Management
Register: Legislative Compliance
Delegations and Authorisations
Policy: Standing Delegations of Authority
Register: Academic Delegations
Grievances and Appeals
Policy: Staff Grievance Resolution
Procedure: Student Grievance
Policy: Workplace bullying (under review)
Procedure: Workplace bullying (under review)
Policy: Whistleblower Protection
Procedure: Whistleblower Protection
Health, Safety and Wellbeing
Policy: Critical Incident Management
Procedure: Critical Incident Management
Policy: Drugs
Policy: Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment
Procedure: Disclosing Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment
Policy: Use of Alcohol by Students
Policy: Work, Health and Safety (under review)
Procedure: Chemical Management
Guidelines: Handling of Blood Products and Other Biological Material (under review)
Information: Emergency and Security Information
Checklist: Sexual Assault & Sexual Harassment Incident Disclosure Record and Checklist
Guideline: Safety Hazard Risk Management
Policy: Protecting Children
Procedure: Legislative Obligations - Working with Children Checks
Procedure: Protecting Children, Reporting Concerning Behaviour, and the Western Australian Reportable Conduct Scheme
Honorary Recognition
Policy: Award of Honorary Degrees Emeritus Titles and Naming Rights
Quality Assurance
Policy: Institutional Review Framework
Procedure: Continuous improvement in VET
Risk and Audit
Policy: Risk Management
Policy: Internal Audit Charter
Procedure: Internal Audit Planning
Procedure: Delivery of Internal Audit
Procedure: Internal Audit Key Performance Indicators
Procedure: Follow-Up of Outstanding Internal Audit Recommendations
Procedure: Risk Management
Student Representation
Policy: External Sponsorship of Student Associations
Policy: Financial Recognition of Student Association Executives
Policy: Provision of funding to the University's Student Associations
Policy: University Affiliation of Student Clubs (under review)
Procedure: University Affiliation of Student Clubs (under review)
Community Engagement and Development
Policy: Conferences and Events Hosted by UNDA (under review)
Policy: Outgoing Sponsorship (under review)
Form: Request for Outgoing Sponsorship (under review)
Finance and Procurement
Policy: Travel
Procedure: Travel
Policy: Procurement
Procedure: Procurement
Procedure: Corporate Credit Cards
Procedure: Financial Grant Management
Guideline: Business Expense
Policy: Fee Setting
Human Resources
Enterprise Agreement: UNDA Enterprise Agreement: 2022-2026
Employee Code of Conduct and Ethical Behaviour: Staff
Statement: Academic Freedom
Policy: Academic Promotion
Procedure: Academic Promotion
Policy: Adjunct, Clinical Academic and Visiting Appointments
Policy: Career Development Fund: General Staff (under review)
Policy: Gifts & Benefits (under review)
Policy: Misconduct
Policy: Probation
Policy: Vice-Chancellor’s Awards – Promoting Excellence in Learning and Teaching (PELT)
Procedure: Vice-Chancellor’s Awards - Promoting Excellence in Learning and Teaching (PELT)
Policy: Seed Grants for Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
Procedure: Seed Grants for Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
Policy: Unsatisfactory Performance
Guideline: Salary Packaging (under review)
Guideline: Staff Overpayments (under review)
Policy: Staff Recruitment and Selection
Procedure: Staff Recruitment and Selection
Policy: Leave
Procedure: Redundancy and Redeployment
Procedure: Managing Workplace Change
Policy: Study Support
Procedure: Study Support
Policy: Employee Family Study Discount
Procedure: Flexible working arrangements
Policy: Flexible working arrangements
Guideline: Considering remote and hybrid working
Policy: Performance Development
Procedure: Performance Development
Policy: Equal Opportunity
Information Management and Privacy
Policy: Privacy (under review)
Policy: Information and Information Technology
Procedure: Information Management
Procedure: Social Media
Information Technology
Guideline: Use of Supplementary Logos
Procedure: Information Technology
Physical Facilities
Policy: Campus Parking
Guideline: Use of University vehicles by Students
Guideline: Use of University vehicles by Employees
Policy: Space Allocation
For students
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