Annual performance

2023 Year in Review

In 2023, the University of Notre Dame Australia made strong progress in pursuit of the ambitious goals set out in our Strategic Plan. Guided by our five key pillars, we remained committed to our pursuit of uniqueness, impact and excellence.

This was a year of considerable advancement and development for the University. Notre Dame invested significantly into facilities and infrastructure, connections across the globe were strengthened and our reputation continued to be recognised nationally. The University finished the year with a surplus of $1.2 million, laying the groundwork for the years to come.

2022 Year in Review

As we reflect on the past year, it is with a sense of pride and gratitude that we present the 2022 Year in Review. Our Year in Review looks back at the year that has been and reports on our achievements, progress and performance against our Strategic Plan.

In 2022, The University of Notre Dame Australia reaffirmed its commitment to shaping socially responsible graduates. It continued to excel in rankings for student experience and graduate outcomes. Despite challenges in the higher education sector, the University finished the year with a surplus of $13.5 million, positioning itself for future growth.