Our governance arrangements are specified within establishment legislation, the University of Notre Dame Australia Act 1989 as well as the University Statutes. These, together with the Canonical Statutes, detail the source, role and functions of its Trustees, Directors and Governors and of the Vice-Chancellor and Principal Officers of Notre Dame and its mission as a Catholic University.

Our leadership

At Notre Dame, a team of senior leaders, led by the Vice-Chancellor, is responsible for overseeing and managing all aspects of the University's operations and development. Their strategic guidance ensures the effective and efficient functioning of the University, enabling it to achieve its objectives and deliver high-quality education to its students.

"Notre Dame Australia is a vibrant, modern and growing University."

Professor Francis Campbell, Vice-Chancellor

Governing body

Understand the roles and responsibilities of the main decision-making bodies - the board of directors, trustees, and governors.

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The Academic Council

The primary academic body of the university and has established seven subcommittees to assist in exercising its responsibilities.

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Governance committees

Access governance charts that outline the primary decision-making bodies across the University and their reporting relationships.

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Committee management

The University has established resources and templates for staff involved in committee management.

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Act, statutes and regulations

The governance structure of Notre Dame is determined by, and stems from, it's Act of Parliament and Statutes. There are a number of regulations and policy documents that lay the foundations for how the University runs.

Policies, procedures and guidelines

The Policy Portal contains all university approved policies, procedures and guidelines. You will also find information on how to develop and review university policy documents.