Business course descriptions
BUSN1000 level courses
BUSN1000 Economics
In this course you will study those aspects of microeconomics and macroeconomics that will be useful in your business career. You will examine the way in which individual households and firms make business decisions; the way in which individual markets work; the way in which taxes and government regulations affect the operation of individual markets; the way in which the National Accounts measure macroeconomic variables; and the way in which macroeconomic variables oscillate and grow over time. You will become acquainted with notions such as the laws of demand and supply, the elasticity of demand, perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, monopoly, producer and consumer surplus, market efficiency, externalities, Gross Domestic Product, the CPI, the multiplier, fiscal policy, and monetary policy.BUSN1030 Quantitative Methods for Business
In this course students explore quantitative and statistical concepts and tools commonly used in business. Students will apply these tools to common business problems and recommend actions to enhance a positive business position or to assist in recovery of a negative business position.BUSN1050 Business Communication
The course covers key aspects of research, written and verbal communication in academic and business contexts, and works to develop communication skills necessary for effective participation in group learning activities and collaborative projects. The course also introduces an understanding of ethics in theory and business practice.BUSN1060 Business Information Technology
This course is designed to provide students with a business oriented theoretical knowledge of key areas of ICT, such as hardware, software, networks, the Internet, security, business systems and databases. It also provides practical skills development in relation to file management, spreadsheets, databases and other software applications in order help students understand how software can be used to solve business problems.BUSN1110 Accounting for Business
This is an introductory course that provides students with the skills necessary to understand and evaluate the business environment and the role that accounting plays in the evaluation of business performance. The course adopts a financial statement user/business management orientation, addressing issues relevant to managing business organisations and understanding financial statements. A primary objective is to develop the student’s abilities to critically analyse and evaluate issues in the context of accounting and management in business organisations.BUSN1200 Principles of Finance
Pre-requisite: BUSN1000 Economics
This course provides an introduction to institutions, markets and securities that form the basis of modern financial and monetary systems. The course is concerned with decision making for trading of financial instruments and the macroeconomic, microeconomic and institutional environments in which these decisions take place. BUSN1030 Quantitative Methods for Business is normally a prerequisite for this course.BUSN1220 Principles of Marketing
Marketing is a major force in business and society, influencing everyone’s life in many ways. As well as the many products and services supplied to help us in our daily lives, firms often need to market ideas, events, and even people. Marketing is both an essential practical process, and corporate philosophy that has been adopted by a wide range of businesses, service companies, as well as non-profit organizations worldwide. This course will not only expose you to the fundamental marketing concepts being used within a range of industries, but also provide a clear insight into how these concepts relate to the "real" world.BUSN1600 Principles of Management
This course provides a sound introduction to management and the functions of an organisation. It examines both the classical and contemporary theories of management and organisation behaviour. In so doing, the course considers motivation, controlling, planning, decision making, control and theories of power, politics, corporate culture and in the context of small and large businesses and entrepreneurial ventures. The intention is to provide the student with a broad base of understanding of general principles of management from which they can choose to specialise. -
BUSN2000 level courses
BUSN2000 Events Management
Pre-requisite: BUSN1600 Principles of Management
The prime objective of this course is to provide students with a detailed understanding of the processes and practices involved in events management, from the genesis of an idea to conducting the event. Subsidiary objectives include providing students with skills in: critically evaluating an idea, developing a realistic business plan; sourcing finance; managing personnel (especially volunteers); risk management in areas of legal/financial/insurance/social/media etc. Practical outcomes for students include the development of a reference portfolio and a real events management plan from inception to execution. The portfolio will be compiles through materials provided to them and their own research. Students teams will also work with local organisations to develop ideas into events management plans, the presentation of which will form part of their assessment.BUSN2010 Microeconomic Theory and Policy
Pre-requisite: BUSN1000 Economics
In this course students will be taught to think like an economist. Various microeconomic problems will be considered using consumer choice theory, inter-temporal consumer choice theory, consumer choice theory with uncertainty, asymmetric information theory, bounded rationality and judgement bias, the theory of the firm and game theory. The primary goal is to instill in the students a disposition to see the world around them in economic terms.BUSN2020 Macroeconomic Theory and Policy
Pre-requisite: BUSN1000 Economics
In this subject you will study the various concepts, tools and models of macroeconomics. You will analyse the nature, causes and economic consequences of unemployment, economic growth, financial instability, trade imbalances and inflation, and you will assess the desirability of monetary, fiscal, income and exchange rate policies. The course is especially suitable for those students who are interested in applying theory to solve practical problemsBUSN2030 Business Research Methods
Pre-requisite: BUSN1030 Quantitative Methods for Business This course introduces students to the fundamental concepts and theories of research methods. It also provides students with experience in translating managerial decision problems into feasible research questions and evaluate different research techniques appropriate to effective research design. This includes the ability to interpret different methodologies, sampling techniques, and data collection methods and data analysis. In addition to that, students will develop practical skills by undertaking their own research project featuring a real business with a real problem. This involves making decisions based on research data, using data analysis software, solving marketing problems and communicate it to professionals and students.BUSN2050 Integrated Marketing Communications
Pre-requisite: BUSN2520 Consumer Behaviour
Communication plays a vital role in any marketing mix. Marketing communication is about creating and sending the right messages that will inform, persuade or remind targeted consumers about an idea, cause, person, place, product or service inspiring them to take the desired action. An integrated marketing communication campaign ensures that all messages and creative approaches are cohesive across all media channels used. Students will use their knowledge of marketing, consumer behaviour, and the principles of effective communication in the research, planning, creative and media functions that are typical of Integrated Marketing Communication Planning.BUSN2060 Intermediate Mathematics for Economics and Finance
Pre-requisite: BUSN1030 Quantitative Methods for Business
This course introduces the students to the mathematical tools that are used on a daily basis within the economics and finance disciplines, including multivariable calculus, constrained optimisation, set theory and matrix algebra.BUSN2070 History of Austrian Economics
Pre-requisite: BUSN1000 Economics
This course aims to acquaint students with key developments in the history of Austrian economics. It begins by considering the wider intellectual climate in which the ideas of Austrian economists emerged in the late nineteenth century. It then examines in more detail the economic thought and economic policy prescriptions of leading Austrian economists in the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries, including Carl Menger, Eugene von Böhm Bawerk, Friedrich Wieser, Joseph Schumpeter and Friedrich von Hayek. The ideas of prominent economists who embraced the Austrian tradition, such as Knut Wicksell and Lionel Robbins, will also be canvassed. The final section of the course considers more recent developments associated with the so-called Austro-American school as an alternative way of understanding the operation of the market economy.BUSN2080 Topics in Economics
Pre-requisite: BUSN1000 Economics
This course is being offered as part of the economics major within the School of Business. It aims to introduce students to a range of topics that have been instrumental in the evolution of economics and that continue to exercise in many instances a substantial influence on contemporary economic theory and policy. The focus will be theoretical, historical and methodological. Topics offered will reflect the research interests of staff and will be selected from the following: the Church Fathers and Scholastic Economic Thought; the Philosophers and Pamphleteers; Pre-classical Economic Thought; Benthamite Utilitarianism and Nineteenth Century Philosophic Radicalism; Classical Economic Thought; Developments in Neo-classical Economic Theory; Austrian capital and trade cycle theories; the Formalist Revolution of the 1950s; Law and Economics; the Chicago School; Knowledge in Economics; Public Choice theory; and Austrian-American Economic Thought. The course is divided into lectures and seminars. The course is essentially a reading course, with private study the major coursework component apart from a research paper that each student must prepare. Students will be expected to make extensive use of reading materials. One research paper must be presented in a summarised, preliminary (not necessarily complete) form in the second half of the course by each student.BUSN2090 Professional Writing
Pre-requisite: BUSN1050 Business Communication, BUSN2580 Introduction to Public Relations
The course will concentrate on producing a high level of written material, with a focus on writing for the media, whether this be the news media, or "third-party" media, such as public blogs, wikis and web sites. It will develop enhanced skills in all areas of public relations writing and provide a context in which public relations writing can be understood and applied across a wide range of material, including media releases, newsletter articles, brochures, speeches and copy for electronic and online media. Part of its focus is on writing tools useful for uncontrolled (new) media. The course also addresses corporate requirements such as reports, proposals, submissions and speeches. Students will be reminded of the importance of grammar, spelling and punctuation and introduced to the best-practice writing styles and the variety of communication tools used by PR practitioners.BUSN2110 Managerial Accounting
Pre-requisites: BUSN1110 Accounting for Business AND BUSN2150 Financial Accounting A
This course builds on the introductory principles of management accounting and introduces students to additional managerial accounting concepts and techniques. Students are introduced to the collection and reporting of cost accounting data in support of the decision making process. The generation and application of decision-useful financial and non-financial information is examined across a range of sectors. It focuses on the role of the management accountant in controlling and analysing business performance to provide a basis for management decisions and value creation for stakeholders.BUSN2120 Sport and Recreation Industry Practicum
Pre-requisites: BUSN1220 Principles of Marketing AND BUSN1600 Principles of Management
This course offers hands-on experience in real sport and recreation management settings, equipping you with practical, job-ready skills and professional connections. As part of the Bachelor of Sport and Recreation Management, you will typically undertake this practicum during your second year, gaining valuable insights into areas such as event management, sport development, marketing, and public relations – all while applying the underpinning theorical understandings developed during your foundational studies.
Your placement will be scheduled to help manage your study-life balance and will ensure you are well prepared to progress with more senior subjects and ultimately succeed in the dynamic sport and recreation industry.BUSN2130 Human Resource Economics
Pre-requisite: BUSN1000 Economics
The course provides students with an introduction to the economic analysis of human resources as a critical component of business management. The course is significantly different to the traditional field of labour economics and also principles of HR in that it seeks to blend the two disciplines by combining traditional HR issues with high level economics concepts to give students an integrated outcome. Students begin with study topics from the traditional field of labour economics including labour demand, labour supply and human capital theory. These models help us understand issues relating to educational choices and also recruitment and employment outcomes. Students then examine in detail material from the more recent field of personnel economics surrounding the recruitment and management of personnel. Topics include signaling, screening, retention and labour turnover, organisational and job design, and the role of economic incentives in influencing performance. The final part of the course provides an overview of the Australian labour market and looks at key challenges and trends facing the Australian labour market. Students will be required to have an understanding of key labour market indicators primarily through the use of Australian Bureau of Statistics data.BUSN2150 Financial Accounting A
Pre-requisite: BUSN1110 Accounting for Business
This course provides a foundation for those who wish to specialize in accounting and finance. It provides students with the skills required to complete the steps in the accounting cycle, from transaction identification and recording through to the preparation of financial statements. It examines the relationship between financial statements and the various presentation formats for financial statements. The requirements of current Australian accounting standards are considered in the context of financial statement preparation.BUSN2160 Financial Accounting B
Pre-requisite: BUSN2150 Financial Accounting A
This course provides a more detailed understanding of the preparation, presentation and use of financial statements, with a primary focus on external financial reporting for companies/reporting entities. The requirements of current Australian accounting standards are applied to a range of financial statement elements, providing the student with a comprehensive and up to date understanding of key relevant issues in financial accounting. The application of these standards in corporate accounting practice in Australia is examined.BUSN2200 Managerial Finance
Pre-requisite: BUSN1110 Accounting for Business, BUSN1030 Quantitative Methods for Business
This course examines the theory of finance and investment, the environment in which the theory is to be applied, methods of analysis and the finance and investment decisions which must be made in the corporate sector. It is designed for those students needing a solid foundation in their understanding of business finance and investment, and its main objective is to provide an understanding of the sources of finance and the ways in which it may be invested. The course examines factors influencing capital expenditure decisions; valuation approaches; the formulation of the capital structure; capital market environment; working capital and liquidity control; treasury function and goals; investment decisions; and corporate securities and pricing. Included in this examination is a consideration of asset pricing models and portfolio theory.BUSN2220 Advanced Financial Planning
Pre-requisite: BUSN1080 Investment Planning
This course amalgamates skills and knowledge needed by financial planners. Previous courses focused on particular aspects of planning but in this course students create their first comprehensive client-focused financial plan. Key steps for preparing financial plans are re-visited and applied for diverse client circumstances. Students will also examine case studies exploring more complex applications of process and legislation.BUSN2280 Psychology of Work
Pre-requisite: Minimum 200 units of credit
This course combines the discipline areas of social and cultural psychology with organisational and management theory to examine human behaviour within the workplace. It also draws on knowledge from the realm of political science, sociology, and anthropology to build a more complete understanding of the relationship between the individual and the organisation. Students will be challenged to develop new paradigms of thinking about the psychology of the individual in the workplace.BUSN2340 Employment Law
Pre-requisite: BUSN2400 Business Law
This course deals with the legal principles and statutes that govern employment. It examines the nature of the legal framework surrounding the employer-employee relationship, employment contracts, restraints in employment, discrimination, dispute resolution, termination and occupational health and safety. Both theory and case law are examined to enable students to apply legal requirements to HR policy and practice.BUSN2350 The Economics of Financial Crises
Pre-requisite: BUSN1000 Economics
This course surveys the various economic theories that have been employed to explain the major financial crises that have occurred through history. Each economic theory is illustrated by tracing the mechanics of a specific financial crisis. The financial crises that are examined include the Tulip Mania of 1636-7, the South Sea Bubble of 1720, the Glasgow Bank Crisis of 1878, the Melbourne Bank Runs of 1893, the Wall Street Crash of 1929, the U.S. Bank Runs of 1931-33, the 1974 Failures of the Franklin National and the Herstatt Banks, the 1987 Stock Market Crash and the NASDAQ Crash of 2000.BUSN2400 Business Law
This course introduces students to the theory and practice of law as it relates to business practice. This course provides students with an overview of the Australian legal system and gives a general introduction to areas of law including torts, contracts, property law and employment law.BUSN2450 Taxation
Pre-requisites: BUSN1110 Accounting for Business
This course provides an introduction to income taxation legislation and practice in Australia. It focuses on the assessment of income and deductibility of expenditure, the treatment of capital gains and losses, fringe benefits and other related legislation. It considers the assessment provisions from the perspective of individuals, partnerships, companies and trusts.BUSN2510 Marketing Research
Pre-requisite: BUSN1030 Quantitative Methods for Business
This course is where students have the opportunity to apply basic research techniques to a 'real world' research project. Students are asked to develop and design a survey instrument, deliver the survey and analyse the results. Students are then asked to present their findings and recommendations to their client in an oral presentation and by hard copy report. The course is designed to introduce students to marketing research, identifying what it is, how and where marketing research is used and give students the opportunity to recommend actions to clients based on their research. Students are introduced to the statistics program of SPSS and will need to be familiar with the EXCEL program.BUSN2520 Consumer Behaviour
Pre-requisite: BUSN1220 Principles of Marketing
Consumer Behaviour investigates why people buy things, their motivations and their decision making processes behind their actions. The course explores the influences consumers are impacted by, such as their belief systems, cultural traditions, and the "power" of peer or family pressures. The course also discusses personality types, emotional states, purchasing habits and post purchase behaviour and how these also influence a consumers' behaviour.BUSN2580 Introduction to Public Relations
Pre-requisite: BUSN1050 Business Communication
This course provides an introduction to Public Relations. Through case study analysis and practical work, students experience public relations problem-solving and planning, with some of the work focusing on the use of communication tools including social media. The course also examines the history of PR, ethics, research, strategic planning, media relations and theory of communication.BUSN2660 Employment Relations
Pre-requisite: BUSN2730 Principles of Human Resource Management
The prime objective of the course is to provide students with a knowledge of the major theories and approaches of industrial relations and the significant parties eg unions, arbitral tribunals and management. The legislative framework in Australia is both unique and flexible and reflects changing political approaches. Since the 1990s changes has reduced the role of the industrial relations institutions and shifted the focus to collective bargaining and employee outcomes at the workplace. The origins and strategies for industrial conflict and its resolution is both a cause for and an effect on the employment relationship.BUSN2730 Principles of Human Resource Management
Pre-requisite: BUSN1600 Principles of Management
This course provides students with an understanding of the strategic focus of Human Resource Management (HRM) as applied to business outcomes for organisations. It explores how organisations select, evaluate, compensate and develop employees. The study provides strategic focus to employee selection, staff development, performance management and employee remuneration within a legal framework. -
BUSN3000 level courses
BUSN3001 Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking
Focusing on modern slavery and human trafficking, the course provides an overview of ethical, legal and regulatory issues that arise in respect of modern slavery and human trafficking and explores the source, content and practical significance of business human rights obligations as they apply to both states and corporations. Students will be invited to explore how states and businesses can work together to address modern slavery and human trafficking, and to assess whether existing regulatory mechanisms are sufficient to ensure ethical, sustainable, and accountable business practices.BUSN3002 Service Learning and International Business Experience
Pre-requisite: Completion of minimum 400 credit points
In this course, students will undertake service learning within the context of international social enterprises and community-run businesses. Students will combine this with an examination of business ethics and leadership in a cross-cultural environment. Students will participate in a short-term immersion at an international location, during which they will volunteer at a social enterprise to examine the business model which underpins it. Students will explore contemporary business challenges and ethical issues through strategic and organisational approaches. Students may review case studies during the immersion program that highlight different international business scenarios. They will then synthesise their understanding of the case studies and reflect on their personal experience during the immersion.BUSN3003 Student Managed Investment Fund
Pre-requisite: BUSN3270 Financial Analysis and Valuation
Finance professionals operate in an environment of uncertainty which can be difficult to recreate within a traditional classroom environment. Instead, this course offers students an opportunity to apply their academic knowledge and acquire practical skills by managing a portfolio of securities using real money in real time. Students gain experience in security analysis and portfolio construction through the management of the School of Law and Business student managed investment fund. Class participants will collectively be responsible for the investment decisions of the fund, the overall portfolio composition, and will employ various financial models in their decision-making to assess and change the portfolio as needed.BUSN3020 Leadership: Theory and Practice
Pre-requisite: BUSN1600 Principles of Management AND minimum 400 units of credit
This course introduces students to leadership theories and concepts; examining the evolution of leadership in scholarship and its practice in organisational settings. The course focuses on the impact of leadership on individuals, on organisations and on society. Students review case studies that highlight different leadership situations and then reflect on their own understanding and application of leadership in practice.BUSN3070 Business in Asia
Pre-requisite: BUSN1600 Principles of Management
The course will examine the importance of the Asia-Pacific Region in the context of the global economy. The course will apply selected concepts and theoretical frameworks of international business to the Asia-Pacific region. Asian firms will be examined with specific attention on the diversity of management cultures and systems in the region. The course will include guest lectures from practitioners in different industry sectors with an emphasis on exporting to, and establishing businesses in Asia.BUSN3100 Strategic Business Intelligence
Pre-requisite: BUSN1110 Accounting for Business
This course considers how management accounting information is generated and used to support an organisation’s strategic objectives. Students are introduced to strategy formulation and how management accounting information can influence behaviour. It examines how data and management information is collated and refined to become strategic business intelligence. It provides students with an understanding of the tools and practices being developed in the rapidly-growing market for business intelligence. It also considers the potential commercial advantage to enterprises that exploit new information flows and use these to perform predictive analyses.BUSN3110 Accounting for Corporate Entities
Pre-requisite: BUSN2160 Financial Accounting B
This advanced course examines accounting for corporate entities in some depth and builds extensively on previous work undertaken in BUSN2100. Topics considered include an examination of accounting for various forms of Investment, specifically business combinations, consolidations (including direct and indirect minority interests), equity accounting and accounting for joint venture enterprises. Other relevant topics include a broad understanding of accounting and disclosures for financial instruments, foreign exchange transactions (including rudimentary hedge transactions), related parties, segment reporting, lease accounting and share-based payments. Access to the various attributable A-IFRIS accounting standards form a backdrop to an understanding of these topics. In addition to weekly problem-based assignments, the course also incorporates a reasonably extensive case-based assignment, using published information from Australian listed entities. This course is a requirement for those wishing to progress their studies through the ICAA, CPAA or NIA professional programs.BUSN3120 Advanced Accounting Concepts
Pre-requisite: BUSN2160 Financial Accounting B
This course covers some of the more complex accounting concepts within both a theoretical and applied context. Students are introduced to different accounting theories and how accounting regulation has evolved over time. The course examines and evaluates both the derivation of the fair value concept and its application to topics such as accounting for financial instruments, derivatives, agriculture and mining.
The principal focus of this course is on practicality and applicability. Not only does it identify the requirements of the current accounting standards for the selected topics, but it provides students with an opportunity to consider their application in the context of global accounting trends and possible future changes.BUSN3130 Auditing
Pre-requisites: BUSN2110 Managerial Accounting, BUSN2160 Financial accounting B, BUSN2400 Business Law
This course introduces students to the principles and practice of modern auditing. It examines the company audit process, the role and responsibilities of auditors, the regulation of audit performance and of user expectations. Major topics include an examination of audit planning, the concepts of materiality and audit risk, evaluation and testing of internal controls, substantive testing of transactions and balances, audit sampling and reporting by auditors. The emphasis will be on the practical application of theory and the development of critical thinking skills. The central theme is the audit of a limited company from initial engagement to the issue of the opinion. This course is a requirement for those wishing to progress their studies through the ICAA, CPAA or IPA professional programs.BUSN3140 Human Resource Development
Pre-requisite: BUSN2730 Principles of Human Resource Management
This course examines the role and function of Human Resource Development (HRD) in organisations. The course covers theories that underpinning training, learning and career development, as well as strategic learning and development issues that arise from the contemporary business environment. The strategic potential of HRD to address skills shortages and to contribute to longer term workforce planning is also examined.BUSN3150 E-Marketing
Pre-requisite: BUSN1220 Principles of Marketing
The Internet and other technologies have had a profound effect on the way we do business. This transformation has resulted in new business models that add customer value, build customer relationships, and increase company profitability. This course considers how the Internet and related technologies affect marketing strategy and tactics.BUSN3180 e-Public Relations (e-PR)
Pre-requisite: BUSN2090 - Public Relations Writing AND BUSN2580 - Introduction to Public Relations
To a large extent, the nature of how we communicate has changed little since the days of the ancient Greeks. However, one thing has changed – the methods we use and the speed at which PR professionals have to respond. The rapidly-changing technology of communication and how it is applied in PR is addressed. Students will apply knowledge of communication theory (and the effective targeting of specific publics) to produce strategic campaigns underpinned by pieces of writing for targeted publics, using various forms of modern media. A communications audit approach will be used to determine the communications to be developed, and tools to be used. Appropriate skills and strategies will be applied in a campaign context. Outcomes will include the development of media kits, with an emphasis on social media and the use of on-line tools and channels.BUSN3200 Corporate Finance
Pre-requisite: BUSN2200 Managerial Finance
This course builds on corporate financial concepts covered in earlier managerial finance courses by expanding concepts in corporate financing, investing and risk management. The course examines current theories of corporate financing and the presentation of relevant tools and techniques to facilitate financial decision making.BUSN3230 Services Marketing
Pre-requisite: BUSN2520 Consumer Behaviour
The Services sector now forms the larger part of most modern economies. The increasingly competitive nature of the marketplace requires a new emphasis on the marketing of services as diverse as accounting, banking, hairdressing, insurance, consultancy's and real estate. The course focuses on the fact that services and professional services, differ significantly from other forms of business, requiring a distinctive approach to marketing strategy development. The importance of understanding service organisations in their own terms is emphasised so that marketing goals and strategies can be tailored accordingly. This course is current and relevant to the needs of all modern service providers.BUSN3260 International Finance
Pre-requisite: BUSN2200 Managerial Finance
International Finance deals with financial policy decisions in an international environment. Topics covered include the international financial environment, foreign exchange risk management, and global financing and investment.BUSN3270 Financial Statement Analysis and Valuation
Pre-requisite: BUSN2200 Managerial Finance OR BUSN2150 Financial Accounting A
This course provides a framework for using financial statement data in business analysis and valuation contexts. The course focuses on the process of business strategy analysis, accounting strategy analysis, financial analysis and the valuation of public and private companies. Students also reflect on contemporary valuation techniques and apply them to case studies.BUSN3290 Mediation and Dispute Resolution
Pre-requisite: Minimum 400 units of credit
This course introduces the student to the skills that are required within a conflict situation. The conflict situation may be resolved within mediation. It deals with the role of a mediator in mediation and mediation within the alternative dispute resolution spectrum.BUSN3350 Issues and Crisis Management
Pre-requisite: BUSN3370 Corporate Public Relations
This course examines the theoretical framework of issues and crisis management and analyses relevant local and international case studies. In doing so it aims to equip students with the knowledge and strategic skills required to implement strategies to manage public relations or corporate reputation during a crisis. There is a focus on identifying potential internal and external issues, researching and writing a crisis communications plan, responding to a crisis, implementation of media strategies and evaluation of the organization's reputation after the crisis. Students play a crucial role in this field and students will examine how the media acts as a catalyst in the process.BUSN3370 Corporate Public Relations
Pre-requisite: BUSN2580 Introduction to Public Relations AND BUSN2090 Professional Writing
This course examines the place of public relations in the management of an organisation. The course addresses internal communication (up, down and across an organisation) and external communication with government bodies and other significant publics (including investors and activists).BUSN3380 Advanced Economics
Pre-requisite: BUSN2010 Microeconomic Theory and Policy AND BUSN2020 Macroeconomic Theory and Policy AND BUSN1030 Quantitative Methods for Business
This course is the capstone course in the economics major offered within the School of Business. It introduces the students to the leading theoretical models deployed in the discipline of economics. Both microeconomic and macroeconomic models are considered. Introductory economics, intermediate microeconomics and intermediate macroeconomics are pre-requisites.BUSN3390 Econometrics
Pre-requisite: BUSN2060 Intermediate Mathematics for Economics and Finance
This course is compulsory within the economics major offered within the School of Business. It introduces the students to the main statistical and econometric techniques deployed on a daily basis within the disciplines of economics and finance. Students who have completed this course will be sufficiently versed in econometric techniques to enter an honours program in economics.BUSN3400 Company Law
Pre-requisite: BUSN2400 Business Law
This course aims to enable students to understand the underlying principles of the law regulating companies. Topics include the characteristics of a company, particularly as compared with other business structures; the national cooperative scheme and the role of the Australian Securities Commission and other Federal Government regulatory authorities; the effect of incorporation; the corporate constitution; the company's relations with outsiders; share and loan capital; regulation of public fund raising; duties of company directors, officers and promoters; members' rights and obligations including minority shareholder protection; regulation of takeovers; issues related to corporate insolvency such as receivership and liquidation, particularly as they affect creditors.BUSN3440 Media Planning
Pre-requisite: BUSN2050 Integrated Marketing Communications
The Media Planning and Buying course develops an understanding and knowledge of the media industry, theoretical principles and models available for consideration in planning media strategy. It also provides students an opportunity for practical applied experience in the media planning, media costing, budgeting, allocating budget across media vehicles and evaluating media plan effectiveness commensurate with planned marketing, communication and media objectives. Key content areas include advantages and disadvantages in the media mix, media vehicle selection, reach, frequency, scheduling, audience measurement, media plan effectiveness, media costing, media budgeting and media buying as related to traditional and to new media technologies. This course is beneficial to students interested in marketing, advertising and/or media oriented career paths.BUSN3500 Strategic Marketing
Pre-requisite: BUSN1220 Principles of Marketing AND minimum 400 units of credit
This course covers strategies in marketing and, in line with current thinking, it has some orientation towards the global marketplace. Students will learn that effective strategies can only be developed if a thorough knowledge is obtained of the changing product market environment and the relevant needs of different customer segments. In order to ensure that students become fully involved with a strategic marketing plan, a project, using a team approach, is required to develop a plan for an actual company, club or other organisation that provides a product or services to the public.BUSN3540 International Marketing
Pre-requisite: BUSN1220 Principles of Marketing AND minimum 400 units of credit
This course is designed to familiarise students with the fundamental concepts of International Marketing and give them the working skills to enable them to undertake an opportunity analysis for any product wanting to be marketed in the international arena. The course analyses the multiple environments of international business.Topics include the effect on the marketing strategy of political, legal, economic, social, competitive and technological conditions in various markets; international market entry; product, pricing, distribution and promotion strategies; exporting and importing, international marketing organisation and control.
BUSN3600 Strategic Management
Pre-requisite: BUSN1600 Principles of Management AND minimum 400 units of credit
This Course will result in you being able to know and do strategic management. Knowing provides you with the concepts and techniques of strategic management. This is achieved through lectures, workshops and reading the ideas of practitioners and academics. Doing requires your participation in the analysis of case studies and the submission of work for assessment.BUSN3680 Change Management
Pre-requisite: BUSN1600 Principles of Management AND minimum 400 units of credit
The course examines a range of change theories and models in the context of organisations. The change management process will be considered in detail to explore planned and unplanned change in an organisation and how change can support organisational strategy, goals and future states. The course will also consider the roles of leaders and managers as initiators and supporters of change, plus tools to measure and evaluate change.BUSN3690 Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Pre-requisite: Minimum 200 units of credit
This course examines the processes whereby certain organisations achieve high levels of creativity and innovation. It looks at the relationship between innovation and entrepreneurship with particular reference to technology based companies. The course provides students with a framework for analysing business factors involved in innovation and entrepreneurship, and how to manage an innovative organisation. It enables students to understand a range of practical business applications and provides dimensions of discovery and critical thinking that can convert innovative ideas into viable sustainable business reality. The course has the potential to provide an understanding of the scope for innovation and entrepreneurship. It provides the theoretical constructs and practical methods of implementation necessary to create a successful new venture. Extensive use is made of case studies including the analysis of the entrepreneurial characteristics of a number of new start-ups, existing small to medium enterprises SME’s and major organisations.BUSN3700 Human Resource Policy
Pre-requisite: BUSN2730 Principles of Human Resource Management
This course examines the role and functions of HR policy. It explores how HR policy can be used strategically in organisations and how it can help shape and define organisational culture, as well as ensuring that legal and ethical obligations are met. Students will learn how to research, develop and write policy documents covering a wide range of HR issues.BUSN3740 Strategic Workforce Issues
Pre-requisite: BUSN2730 Principles of Human Resource Management
This course covers a variety of pertinent and evolving workplace issues which are researched, analysed, developed and workshopped. Workplace culture and structure provides the basis for emotional intelligence, bullying, casualisation, decruitment, absenteeism, grievances, dismissal, remuneration, outsourcing, and bargaining. This Course provides opportunities for students to examine, research and draw from practical situations and thereby provide workable outcomes in the contemporaneous HRM setting. The Course examines relevant HRM workplace issues for students to gain a theoretical and practical understanding of current workforce issues impacting on the modern workplace.BUSN3900 Business Internship
Pre-requisite: Minimum of 300 credit points or approval of Dean
Business Practicum: This phase allows students to apply the skills and knowledge gained in phases 1 and 2 and to gain relevant workplace experience in their field of specialisation under the supervision of professionals. The practicum will generally be completed in a subsequent summer or winter break for a minimum of 150 hours. Although assistance in the placement process is provided by the Internship Coordinator it is each student’s responsibility to find an appropriate practicum placement which meets the objectives of that student’s specialisation. All practicum placements must be approved by the Internship Coordinator.BUSN3910 Directed Research Topic
Pre-requisite: Approval of Dean
This subject enables students to select and analyse an approved issue within one of the Business disciplines (Accounting, Economics, Finance, Human Resource Management, Management, Marketing, Public Relations or Sport and Recreation). To fulfill the requirements of the course, students must select and refine an area of research interest, negotiated with the supervisor on an agreed research topic, present a research proposal for approval, conduct the research, and then write and submit a detailed research report.BUSN3990 Social Media
Pre-requisite: Nil
Social media is integral to communications in most organisations. It has transformed the way companies market their business, products and/or services, contact and inform their customers and stakeholders and build relationships. The course is designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills to become confident and ethical social media communicators. Students will have the opportunities to interact with a range of social media as they explore online, mobile and locative platforms. -
BUSN5000 level courses
BUSN5000 Economics for Managers
This course is concerned with the nature and significance of economic reasoning. Students are taught to employ economic reasoning to attain a greater understanding of social, business, and leadership topics. These topics include market efficiency of resources allocation; effectiveness of tax regimes; efficiency of market structures; environmental damage; government provision of public goods; and the macro-economy.BUSN5001 Catholic Mission & Identity
This course provides an in-depth exploration of the Church’s evangelising mission. It provides students (who may be leaders or aspiring leaders) in Catholic institutions with in-depth knowledge of Catholic Mission and Identity in order to better equip them to serve in Catholic Institutions.BUSN5002 Leadership and Management in the Catholic Intellectual Tradition
Pre-requisite: BUSN5001 Catholic Mission and Identity
This course provides an in-depth exploration of contemporary business leadership and management theory and practice in the context of Catholic leadership. It examines skills and competencies required of contemporary business leaders including influence, communication, team leadership, and strategic leadership. It also examines application and assessment of these skills and competencies in a Catholic institutional setting.BUSN5003 Leading Change in a Catholic Context
Pre-requisite: BUSN5002 Leadership and Management in the Catholic Intellectual Tradition
This course provides leaders in education, health, and the social sectors with strategies to effectively lead and manage organisational transformation. The course explores theory and strategy of leadership within change management, underpinned by the principles of Catholic social teaching, with particular emphasis on human dignity and the common good.BUSN5004 Catholic Leadership in Action
Pre-requisites: BUSN5001 Catholic Mission and Identity, BUSN5002 Leadership & Management in the Catholic Intellectual Tradition, BUSN5003 Leading Change in a Catholic Context
This course provides opportunity for students to plan and undertake an immersion experience placement in a workplace in an Australian or international Catholic organization. It builds on the other courses offered in this course by allowing students to apply their knowledge within an actual business environment.BUSN5005 Data Analytics and ModellingThis course is designed to equip students with the essential skills and knowledge needed to harness the power of data analytics for making informed business decisions. In today's data-driven world, organisations rely on data to gain competitive insights, optimize operations, and drive strategic growth. Through a hands-on and practical approach, students will learn how to navigate the data analytics lifecycle, from data collection and preparation to analysis, visualization, and interpretation.
BUSN5006 Ethical Production of Goods and Services
This course outlines the context for reporting, acknowledging and managing modern slavery in and around the workplace as it relates to the production of services and goods and the ethical responsibility of organisations. The course examines the UN mandate and the legislative framework within Australia. As identified through a range of public inquiries, modern slavery occurs within Australia. The realities of globalisation makes it inevitable that every country will also be exposed to the risk of modern slavery through the products it imports and the services it may utilise. It is necessary for modern policy-makers, businesses, and consumers to be aware of the risks and responsibilities. This course will examine strategies that may be adopted to mitigate these risks and act upon the responsibilities at an individual and organisational level.BUSN5007 Policing Human Trafficking
This course examines the trafficking dimension of modern slavery. This is the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of persons, by means of threats or coercion, for the purpose of exploitation. Focal points of the course are ways to prevent and combat trafficking, protect and assist its victims, and promote cooperation.BUSN5008 Modern Slavery and Global Politics (previously ARTS5000)
This course contextualises modern slavery within global politics, focusing on the role and impact of global institutions such as the United Nations and World Trade Organisation. Other specific content focuses on bi-lateral and multi-lateral diplomatic efforts, as well as strategic relationships between nation states. The course also focuses on practical, multi-stakeholder approaches to tackling modern slavery and human trafficking.BUSN5009 Systems Thinking
This course is an introduction to systems thinking and the concept of resilience. Both are important ways of understanding a changing world and the complex challenges facing organisations today. The application of systems thinking to organisations takes an interdisciplinary approach to leadership, risk management, problem solving and organisational change. By the end of this course, participants will have tools and strategies to engage others in the process of system and resilience thinking to examine and address organisational challenges.BUSN5010 International Business; a strategic perspective
This course deals with the identification, analysis and resolution of issues facing management/ leaders within the context of firms operating in the international and global market. Strategic and functional areas of successful international business operations will be analysed including the role of trade, cross-cultural issues, staffing ramifications, international business law and foreign investment law.BUSN5100 Accounting for Managers
This course provides students with skills to understand and evaluate business performance. The Course adopts a financial statement user/business management orientation, addressing issues relevant to managing business organisations and understanding financial statements.BUSN5103 Research Methods
This course aims to provide students with an overview of research methods and the opportunity to explore different theoretical frameworks and employ relevant methodology in addressing their topic. It emphasises the understanding of the strengths, weaknesses and practical applications of different methods, both qualitative and quantitative. This course enables students to apply these methods to a variety of authentic research problems.BUSN5140 Human Resource Development
This course examines the role and function of Human Resource Development (HRD) in organisations. It blends theories underpinning training, learning and career development with the practical experiences that students have already gained. Student experience and observations are used as exemplars to highlight how theory relates to practice. The strategic potential of HRD to address skills shortages and to contribute to longer term workforce planning is also be examined.BUSN5158 Managerial Finance
Pre-requisite: BUSN5100 Accounting for Managers
This course examines the theory of finance and investment, the environment in which the theory is to be applied, methods of analysis and the finance and investment decisions which must be made in the corporate sector. It is designed for those students needing a solid foundation in their understanding of business finance and investment.BUSN5280 Psychology of Work
This course combines the discipline areas of social and cultural psychology with organisational and management theory to examine human behaviour within the workplace. It also draws on knowledge from the realm of political science, sociology, and anthropology to build a more complete understanding of the relationship between the individual and the organisation. Students will be challenged to develop new paradigms of thinking about the psychology of the individual in the workplace. The course challenges the traditional concept of training workers to fit into the organisation.BUSN5290 Negotiation Skills
This course introduces students to the nature, practice and importance of negotiation in managing and leading effectively. Working in groups, students analyse and apply negotiation techniques. A core outcome of the course is the development of negotiation skills, both in commercial and cross-cultural applications.BUSN5350 Issues and Crisis Management
This course examines the theoretical framework of issues and crisis management through case study analysis. In doing so it aims to equip students with the knowledge and strategic skills required to implement strategies to manage PR and corporate reputation during a crisis. The focus is on identifying potential internal and external issues, researching and writing a crisis communications plan, responding to a crisis, implementation of media strategies and evaluation of the organisation’s reputation after the crisis and how the media acts as a catalyst in the process.BUSN5370 Corporate Public Relations
Public Relations is an increasingly important part of successful organisations, assisting them to market themselves, gain new customers, adapt and thrive in environments of rapid and uncertain economic, sociological and technological change. Ideally Public Relations practitioners maximise the public's understanding of and good will towards an organisation, service or product. This course concentrates on developing practical PR skills. The principal perspective taken in this course is that of a public relations practitioner. It is also suitable for those wishing to further develop a specialisation in this area. The course aims to familiarise students with: " The strategic role of public relations " PR research and ethics " PR tools and tactics " PR's growing role in marketing " PR's role in brand building " Quality PR processes.BUSN5393 Business Internship
Pre-requisite: Completion of 1st year
For MBA level students only. An internship facilitates high-level skill development and networking in the corporate setting, and the development of ‘industry-ready’ managers. It is highly recommended to those MBA level students with limited work experience. Students have the primary responsibility of locating their own placement and are required to attend a briefing session with the Business Liaison Coordinator. Students would typically have completed one year of the course and will negotiate an Internship Learning Contract with their Head of School that documents assessment criteria, to be assessed on a NGP/Fail basis.BUSN5410 Services Marketing
Pre-requisite: BUSN5550 Digital Marketing Strategy
The course is designed to introduce students to the marketing of Service Products. The course highlights the particular challenges that marketers face when marketing a service. Students use the concepts from “Marketing” and apply them to a service situation. Strategies such as managing capacity, pricing models, measuring service quality and elements of service delivery are also discussed.BUSN5480 Advanced Taxation
Pre-requisite: BUSN5460 Financial Reporting
This course extends the student’s knowledge gained in the taxation courses of their undergraduate degree. Business leaders appreciate that there are taxation implications that flow from most business decisions. A sound knowledge of Australian taxation law is essential to ensure quality input into the strategic and tactical decision making process and to provide post-implementation tax advice. Students will examine the Goods and Services Tax system, the Fringe Benefits Tax system, the Tax Administration Act and related precedents, which will form the base of knowledge for a practicing accountant.BUSN5500 Digital Marketing Strategy
Marketing plays an essential part in business leadership. This course exposes students to fundamental marketing concepts used in industry and provides insight into how these concepts relate to the "real" world. This course introduces students to the discipline of marketing through topics such as: consumer behaviour, marketing research, product planning, integrated marketing communications and social media, distribution planning, product & service pricing, and societal and environmental issues.BUSN5520 Consumer Behaviour
Pre-requisite: BUSN5550 Digital Marketing Strategy
Consumption activities are an integral part of daily life. This course explores the motivations and outcomes of the consumption process, providing a knowledge base that is relevant to many disciplines including marketing, psychology, sociology, economics and anthropology. Ethical considerations of consumption are examined along with other topical issues relevant to purchasing behaviour, such as the effectiveness of specific advertising techniques and the process of attitude formation. Various behavioural models are discussed, providing student with useful tools for analysing their own consumption activities as well as those of consumers in general.BUSN5540 International Marketing
This course develops an understanding of the nature of business environments in international markets, and how the nature of business conditions in international markets impacts choice of international market, entry strategy, marketing strategies and marketing mix programs.BUSN5570 Strategic Marketing for Managers
This course provides students with an introduction to and experience with the fundamentals of marketing strategy and planning. It is organised around readings, cases and exercises designed to produce an understanding of how to develop a customer-driven organisation. Key topics in the course include segmentation, positioning, market evolution and forecasting, growth strategies, new product development, use of marketing research, understanding competitive behaviour, performance measurement and resource allocation. Students will participate in a computer-based competitive simulation, which requires them to play the role of strategist, running their own companies and living with the consequences of strategic and tactical marketing decisions. Cross-functional teamwork is an important component of the simulation. Emphasis will be focused throughout the course on conceptual frameworks for understanding marketplace phemonomena, current practice, and fun.BUSN5600 Strategic Management and Planning
This course explores the role of strategic management in guiding organisational decision-making, achieving competitive advantage and driving long-term success. Students will develop knowledge and skills in analysing internal and external environments, formulate strategic plan, and implement strategies that align with organisational goals and objectives.BUSN5620 Leadership in Practice
This course introduces students to a range of leadership theories in order to examine the impacts of leadership across organisations within the context of increasing external complexity. Students are encouraged to critically reflect upon leadership practices with a view to developing an awareness of their own leadership capacities.BUSN5680 Leading Change
This course extends basic change theories and models of organisations by focusing on change management in practice. The dynamics of the change management process is analysed to interrogate how change supports, organisational strategy, goals and future states. Students consider the function of key stakeholders, both internal and external to the organisation, and the role that these stakeholders play in the process of change.BUSN5690 Innovation and Entrepreneurship
This is a class about exploration, study, investigation, & experimentation. It is designed to provide a loose pathway for you to chart your own journey towards gaining knowledge, insights, and wisdom about creating a vibrant, innovative, joyful organization full of people pursuing their passions.BUSN5700 Human Resource Policy
This course develops strategic human resource management policy as applied within the context of overall business strategies for organisations. Students examine a range of contemporary HRM workplace policy issues including corporate culture, casualisation of the workforce, and workplace bullying and grievances.BUSN5730 Human Resource Management
This course provides an introduction to the role and functions of Human Resource Management (HRM). Students examine the history and evolution of HRM, the development of Strategic HRM, and the competencies required by modern human resource practitioners. Students also examine functional and strategic roles of HRM in organisations, including performance management, recruitment and selection, learning and development, workforce planning, remuneration and occupational safety and health. Experience with management of human resource and observation of issues and practices are used as exemplars to assist students to critique the theoretical basis and practice of HRM.BUSN5740 Contemporary Strategic Workforce
Pre-requisite: Nil
This course covers a variety of pertinent and evolving workplace issues, which are researched, analysed, developed and workshopped. Workplace culture and structure provides the basis for an examination of emotional intelligence, bullying, casualisation, decruitment, absenteeism, grievances, dismissal, executive remuneration, outsourcing, and bargaining. Students are expected to develop and apply policies and procedures, which rely on individual work experience within the context of the currently operating statutes and other legislation enabling efficient HRM outcomes for the organisation.BUSN5750 Organisations: Power, Leadership and Transformation
This course examines the complex intersection between behavioural interactions and the challenges that operate within both the local and global organisational contexts. By examining the social, political, and economic discourses that govern human behaviour in the workplace, students learn to explore how power operates within these discourses and complex social systems that shape organisational life.
The curriculum combines a focus on variables (e.g., motivation, self-esteem, and personality), as well as the various contextual elements of the individual, the group, the organisational system, and society from an interdisciplinary vantage point. In doing so, students explore how to unpack contexts that influence social relations in the workplace, as well as challenge the prevailing power dynamics. This enables a move towards a greater understanding of transformative practices of leadership.BUSN5860 Employment Relations
The prime objective of the course is to provide students with the knowledge of the major theories and approaches of industrial relations and the significant parties, eg, unions, arbitral tribunals and management. The legislative framework in Australia is both unique and flexible and reflects changing political approaches. Since the 1990's changes have reduced the role of the industrial relations institutions and shifted the focus to collective bargaining and employment outcomes at the workplace. The origins and strategies for industrial conflict and its resolution are both a cause for, and an effect on, the employment relationship.BUSN5910 Directed Business Project
Pre-requisite: Approval of Dean
The Directed Business Project provides an advanced learning opportunity for postgraduate students in management and leadership. Working independently or in groups, students investigate a challenging problem using research skills and knowledge acquired from their discipline. When working in groups, students analyse the problem across interdisciplinary business perspectives, collaborate in a professional manner, and deliver a well-reasoned and articulate report. The Directed Business Project enhances research skills, increases proficiency, and enhances graduate employability.BUSN5990 Social Media
Pre-requisite: BUSN5520 Consumer Behaviour
Social media is an integral communications tool in most organisations. It has transformed the way companies do business, contact their stakeholders and build relationships. This course equips students with knowledge and skills to become confident and ethical social media communicators. Students will interact with a range of social media as they explore online, mobile and locative platforms. -
BUSN6000 level courses
BUSN6015 Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability
The course examines Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability from the organisational and stakeholder perspectives. The course has been designed with the intent to prepare students (future managers and entrepreneurs) to grasp theoretical framework and practices on Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability and to formulate plans and strategies within the organisational context.BUSN6020 Community Engagement & Marketing
The course draws on theories and concepts from community development to provide educational leaders the skills to engage with diverse stakeholders who make up school communities. Participants will develop skills in digital marketing to generate authentic engagement strategies across multiple platforms. Participants will work with a variety of contexts and forms, intended to support a range of community groups, and learn how to manage communications and outcomes for sustainable growth.BUSN6021 Legislative Frameworks for Catholic Education
The interaction of the church and the state has been debated for centuries, but it assumes new dimensions in the multicultural and multiethnic societies in which we live today. Leaders in Catholic education are simultaneously bound by the law of the church and the law of the civil jurisdiction. The law of the State governs employment, contract, family, and administrative matters while the Canon Law of the Roman Catholic Church applies to ministry, liturgy and sacraments in the Catholic Church. This course will focus on understanding the unique characteristics of each area as well as the intersection that governs Catholic education in the areas of schools, witness, and temporal goods. The course will interrogate the key areas of civil law and Canon Law, including what it says about the roles and responsibilities of parish leaders and/or educators in Catholic schools. Overall, this course will broaden students' juridical horizons, presenting the law of the land, the law of the Church and its legal structures as a model to face the challenges of this pluralistic and complex modern society.BUSN6022 Special Topics in Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking
This course involves detailed examination and analysis of a specific topic in modern slavery and human trafficking. Students will examine questions relating to a specific topic and apply the knowledge they have gained in the program to a contemporary context or unique area of the field. The specific topic will be published as part of the annual list of courses published by the School of Law and Business.BUSN6023 Public AdministrationDeveloping a thorough understanding of the complex policy environments which shape public administration is increasingly essential for public sector workers, as well as professionals in non-government and educational contexts. This course provides comprehensive insights into the fundamental administrative frameworks which shape decision-making and accountability in the public sector. This course will also focus on the acquisition of high-level writing, applied research, communication and consultation skills that are required when working across governmental, community and educational environments.
BUSN6024 Systems Thinking
This course is an introduction to systems thinking and the concept of resilience. Both are important ways of understanding a changing world and the complex challenges facing organisations today. The application of systems thinking to organisations takes an interdisciplinary approach to leadership, risk management, problem solving and organisational change. By the end of this course, participants will have tools and strategies to engage others in the process of system and resilience thinking to examine and address organisational challenges.
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